Ann Walker met White Arrow on 20th April 1979 when she was 37 years old. Up until then her life was beset with trauma and unhappiness, but White Arrow completely turned her life around when he made himself known to her and since then Ann has dedicated her life to working for Spirit, through White Arrow.
In 1986 Ann decided to start writing her autobiography 'Heaven Can Come Later' in which she fully explains her life before and after she met White Arrow, including flashbacks to when she was shown her incarnation when she and White Arrow (when he was a Sioux warrior) were once man and wife in North America some 130 years ago.
Little did she know then, back in 1986, that her existing life as a happily married grandmother would become so intense and so completely different from any other medium. The autobiography was just the start of it all, for this enabled Ann to be known and understood by the general public as an ordinary woman who could easily relate to her, and all the earthly problems which she had endured and indeed overcome with the help of White Arrow and her beloved husband, Tony. Writing the book also helped spread White Arrow's name. Ann went on tour giving demonstrations of her clairvoyance, promoting her book at the same time.